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2017-08-06 03:40
导读:法学论文毕业论文,论中国民事诉讼中的回避制度论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: &n

 摘  要


关键词: 回避制度;  回避主体;  回避理由;  回避程序


Avoid the meaning of the word "evasive, and avoid" civil evade the system means that adjudication personnel and other staff, there may affect the case just before the trial, which according to withdraw from the trial litigation. In China, civil avoidance system are numerous legislative defects, thereby hampering the objective of this system function. China should avoid expanding from the main, clear grounds for disqualification, the complete evasive procedures, establishing the jurors accountability mechanisms, so as to avoid civil perfect system .

Keywords :  Avoidance system;  Avoidance the main;  Grounds for disqualification;  Evasive procedures

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