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摘 要
The principle of verbalism that becomes worldwide practices principles of contemporary legal society is main based on that it can guarantee participants contesting on court trial, mean while, it also embody the procedure reasonableness as well as guarantee the case’s facts to be disclosed. The reviewed criminal procedure law of our country build an accusing-defending trial model that aiming at end chancing the participants contesting on court. But the law did not build the principle of verbalism that could guarantee the accusing-defending trial model to be operation efficiently, besides, some articles of legislation and judicial interpretation are deviate from the principle of verbalism .that is to say, the legisilation is no longer fully catch up with the double needness to guarantee the case’s facts. Therefore, to establish the principle verbalism and to mend or comlete the articles of our criminal procedure law can surely propel the democratic course of our criminal procedure actively.
Key words: the principle of verbalism; suggestion; perfection (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕAc.Com编辑整理)