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摘 要
关键词: 行政诉讼;级别管辖;行政法院;管辖制度
In the administrative proceedings, the rank jurisdiction is according to the court system and the administrative case nature, the influence scope and the complex degree divides on between the lower courts to try the first trial administration case jurisdiction system. Obviously,the first trial jurisdiction determination is the rank jurisdiction core content, but the administrative case the first trial court rank excessively was low is on the other day the administrative proceedings universal existence question. The judicial system administration and the localization malpractices profoundly are restricting the administrative trial independence, the concentrated expression for to the administrative proceedings jurisdiction system influence. Must solve this problem, also should reform the administrative proceedings jurisdiction system under the present judicial system, advances gradually solves the reality to be contradictory; Also may obtain from the administrative court establishment, solves the problem from the whole, and to the judicature organizational reform the impetus and the promoter action.
Key words: Administrative proceedings; Rank jurisdiction; Administrative court;Jurisdiction system. (科教论文网 Lw.nsEAc.com编辑整理)