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2017-08-06 03:22
导读:法学论文毕业论文,论刑事诉讼中公、检、法三机关的关系怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 论刑


摘  要

关键词:刑事诉讼   公、检、法3机关   关系   思考   制度设计

Chinas Criminal Procedure adversarial system of litigation from factors related to the introduction which Promot Chinas judicial system in particular is the way the trial reform. But after 10 years of testing
The existing Criminal Procedure defects and shortcomings exposed to gradually, when the revision of the Code of Criminal Procedure has again aroused widespread concern. It is necessary to the public criminal proceedings, the prosecutor, the three organs of the law relations status for observation. Two Schools of the Western combine theory and institutional arrangements. To reform Chinas Criminal Procedure three organs of theoretical thinking and the design of a system
Key words: criminal prosecution; police court Procuratorate three organ; relation; thinking; system design

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