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2017-08-06 03:44
导读:法学论文毕业论文,论我国民事诉讼中的“新证据”样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

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On Dec.21, 2001, The Supreme Peoples Court promulgated “On the Several Stipulations of Civil Action Evidence”, following listed as “Provided Evidence”, the “Fresh Evidence” system was founded in our countrys civil action procedure. Through its new definition of the “Fresh Evidence” in the procedures of civil action, compared with the “Fresh Evidence”system of the “Code of Civil Procedure”, it plays an active role in the aspect of avoiding evidence attack, delaying litigation, ensuring the stabilization of procedures and enhancing the efficiency of litigation. However, in the practice of justice, there are some problems to be solved. Through the comparative study of the “Fresh Evidence”system, we can see the root of problems listed theoretically, stipulation itself and the practice of justice in our countrys “Fresh Evidence” system. In order to perfect our countrys “Fresh Evidence” system, on the basis of further clearing the constitution of “Fresh Evidence” theoretically, we need promote judges to exercise the power of elucidation system on the right time, strengthen the Attorney Counsel System in our country and perfect Evidence-collecting system and Discovery system.

key words: the time limit of presents evidence;the invalidation of evidence; the fresh evidence;power of elucidation



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