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2014-11-13 01:03



Discussion about Hotels’ Employee Excitation Mechanism by Comparing Explores at Home and Abroad
Abstract:With competition becoming more and more intense in hotel industry, contesting for talents is warmer and warmer, so rational-scientific hotel excitation mechanism is one of key links to hotels’ development. According to analyzing hotel’s excitation mechanism at home and abroad. we conclude most hotels take the measures: physical excitation in chinese inland, integrate excitations with physical and spiritural ways in coastal regions, while overseas use market-oriented excitation mechanism, it is a highly competitive remuneration system coupled with staff career development program that create the correct incentives. Finally the thesis puts forward domestic hotels’ development strategy: domestic hotels should proceed from actual conditions,  selectivity absorb excellent achievement from abroad; make great efforts to build characteristic culture; use excitation methods synthetically; Select different excitation motheds vary with persons and time; reward and punish fairly.

Key words: Hotels at Home and Abroad;Contrastive Studies;Excitation Mechanism;Corporate Culture


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