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2014-11-18 01:04

摘 要:侗文化是中国民族文化中的1块瑰宝。湖南怀化侗文化是中国侗文化的典型代表。本文分析了怀化侗文化旅游区旅游开发的优势条件和存在的问题,并针对问题提出相应的开发措施:强化开发意识,精心规划设计;坚持原汁原味,突出侗文化特色;广辟筹资渠道,多方筹集资金;加强宣传促销,拓展客源市场;强化教育训练,培养旅游人才;做到真正以优美的环境吸引人,以文明的消费引导人,以优质的服务对待人,以良好的信誉留住人,塑造中国怀化侗文化旅游区的良好形象,为中国旅游业增添光彩。


Study on Exploitation for the Tourism Area of
Dong National Culture in Huaihua China

Abstract: The Dong national culture is a piece of elegant gem of the Chinese nation culture, Hunan Huaihua Dong national culture is a typical representation of the Dong national culture in China. This paper Analyzes the superiority conditions and the restrain factors on the tourist exploitation of the Dong culture in Huaihua, puts forward some ideas on its tourist exploitation: Strengthen the development of awareness, carefully plan and design; Adhere to carry, prominent Dong culture characteristics; broaden the financing channels, collect funds in various ways; step up publicity to promote sales and expand tourist market; strengthen education and training, train the traveling talented person; attract people with beautiful environment, guide person in a civilized consumer, give service to people in quality treatment services, retain a good reputation in order to make people have a stay, make Huaihua have a good image in Chinas Dong national culture tourism to increase the brilliance for the Chinese tourism.

Keywords: Dong national culture; tourism Resources; Tourism Exploitation; Huaihua in China


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