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2014-11-17 01:00


关键词:酒店   员工素质  员工培训 

On Hotel Staff training in our Country

【Abstract】As the competition has been more and more serious between hotels, the hotels have high demand of their stuff quality. But how to enhance and raise the stuff’s quality to a high standard and make them have high quality becomes a difficult problem, which puzzles the hotels a lot. Stuff training plays an important role in the development of hotels: it is an important significance to the improvement of the products’ quality t, reserving human resources and establishing hotel image. However, the present situation of hotel stuff training in China is not satisfied, since there exists many problems, such as inconspicuous training effect, narrow content and scope, inflexible training ways, unclear propose, no long-term plan, only focus on present benefits instead of general situation, and so on. herefore, if we want to bring the training into full effect to improve the hotel service quality and economic proficiency simultaneously, we need to adopt suitable ways or measures to change the present situation of hotel stuff training fundamentally in our country

Key Word: hotel  staff quality   hotel training

(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

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