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2014-11-14 01:13

摘 要:韶山既有重要的人文景观,又有神奇的自然景观,是著名的革命纪念地和红色旅游胜地,本文指出了发展红色旅游对韶山建设的作用:有助于加快韶山基础设施建设步伐;为韶山人们提供更多的就业机会;促进韶山资源的保护与开发。并在此基础上对韶山红色旅游进行了SWOT分析,提出了突出韶山“红色”旅游营销主题,进行品牌营销、加强金3角旅游区的合作,深度开发旅游产品、抓住红色文化的回归,营造毛泽东时代的文化等方面的建议。

关键词:红色旅游; 韶山; 发展

Study on Shaoshan Red Tourism Development

    Abstract: Shaoshan both has the important humanities landscape, and has the mysterious natural landscape, it is the famous revolutionary common oration and the red tourist attraction, this article points out the function of Shaoshan red tourism to new Shaoshan construction: The red tourism is helpful in speeding up the step of Shaoshan infrastructure construction; and provides more employment opportunity for the Shaoshan people; promotes the Shaoshan resources protection and the development. And carried on the SWOT analysis to the Shaoshan red tourism, proposed highlights on Shaoshan red tourism Marketing subject, carried on the brand marketing, the reasonable plan scenic area, Seize the return of red culture, and create a culture of Mao Zedongs era and so on.
Key words:  red tourism; Shaoshan; development

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