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2014-11-14 01:13



The Development Strategies of Hunan Tourism under the Influence of Four regional Development Strategies
Abstract: Tourist market is expanding by leaps and bounds and competition becomes fiercely day by day, the tourism market uninterrupted growth requires that the tour in different area cooperation must be reinforced. And the area tour cooperation can improve the area tour industry competition. The article try to start with closely related to Hunan several regional cooperation, analyses the Pan Pearl River regional cooperation and Central China regional cooperation strategy producing an effect to the Hunan outside, Hunan ought to how to deal with the fierce resource and market competition under the condition of building with "three as well as two of Hunan province inner prioritizes strategy "and the"3 + 5 " cities groups building. Based on resource Integration and area cooperation, taking advantage of the position and inner resource in red traveling, Ecotourism and Folk custom, Excavating culture connotation, improving culture grade, moving forward the construction of the “Double Red Triangle”, reinforcing the investment in natural tour resource in west Hunan, Uniting the partner provinces to enclose its cooperation and communication, sharing its resource, information and policy, trying to develop markets together. Finally, improving the competition step by step to make contribution on richening people and government.

Keywords: Hunan tourism,  Area development strategy,  Overlaying effect,  The tour cooperation


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