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2014-11-15 01:59




The Application of the Overall Product Conception in Hotel Industry
Abstract: In the market economy, the goal of enterprises production is meets the need, obtains the benefit. The enterprise have to provide the complete product to the customer, (the complete product is the core product, the visible product and the attachment product) to satisfied the customer. Also to be advantageous to the enterprise marketing work development, finally can give the benefit to the enterprise and the society. The concept of overall product is supports to the concept of the enterprise survival. It contains three levels: Basic product, visible product and attachment product. The influence of the concept of the overall product to the hotel industry becomes especially more-importance. The article according to the present situation of the hotel industry development, proposed the existence crisis, the existence question, proposes the solution countermeasure. Believed that who use the concept of the overall product, the enterprise has more chance to win.

Key word: The overall product conception; Service management; Attachment service (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)

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