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2014-12-03 01:09



Study on Festival & Event Tourism in Hunan Province
——Take the 2002 Hunan Tourism Festival as an Example
Abstract: The Festival& Event tourism is a new tourism product that takes the tourism destination holidays as the culture baking, take the festival activity as the carrier, with the purpose of attracting the local and outside tourists and promoting the tourism industry. It has a double connotation of cultural and economic. It is popular in the tourism development and the tourism scholarly research because of its significant festival affects. This article      begin with the definition ,content and stage of development, unifies the 2002 Hunan tourism festival to discuss the positive role and the development malpractice of the Festival& Event tourism in Hunan ,and then set out some reference suggestions.

Key words: Festival& Event tourism; Tourism Industury; Tourism Festival

    上一篇:旅行社产品的不可专利性及其对策研究 下一篇:没有了