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2014-12-04 01:14



关键字:乡村旅游; 农家乐; 都市农业; 休闲旅游

The Research of Hunan Rural Tourism Development

Abstract: As a new mode of tourism, rural tourism is the unity of agriculture and tourism. The rural tourism of Hunan is in its early stage. Resources is rich. It divided into North Hunan, Central Hunan, West Hunan and South Hunan. First of all, this article introduces the concept and function of rural tourism in the whole view. Secondly, it analyses conditions and surroundings of Hunan rural tourism in every aspect. In conclusion, Hunan rural tourism may find problems in itself. This article is aimed to provide the following solutions: Outline district characteristic; Strengthen the government’s plan and surveillance; Develop all kinds of rural activities; Realize the combine of sightseeing tourism and rural tourism with famous tourist attraction; Foster management talented person; Strengthen the protection of ecological environment, promote the sustainable development.


Key words: rural tourism; rural happiness; urban agriculture; leisure traveling

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