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2014-12-07 01:38


关键词:事件旅游 ;奥运会 ;旅游营销

Study on the Development of Event Tourism

Abstract: In recent year, event tourism has attracted more and more attention in the development of  tourism of the world, therefore it become one of the most hot point in the research of western country .The research results to event tourism is quite remarkable in foreign country ,its research literature will all have the enormous reference. As a new researches area in our country ,event tourism is just on the beginning. This article through introduce the present situation of future event tourism overseas and domestic ,it get further understanding of the development situation .Then take all the previous Olympic games as the example ,has analyzes event tourism influence to the tourism . According to the existence question in our country, to propose the Countermeasure of event tourism development in our country .

Key words: Event tourism; Olympic Games; Tourism Marketing

    上一篇:生态旅游开发研究 下一篇:试论旅游业发展的区域协作与联合