2014-01-11 01:13
论矢量图形点阵化的机器算法实现摘要:计算机图形学是随着计算机及其外围设备而产生和发展起来的。它是近代计算机科学与雷达,电视及图象处理技术的发展汇合而产生的硕果。在造船,航空航天,汽车,电子,机械,土建工程,影视广告,地理信息,轻纺化工等领域广泛应用,推动了这门学科的不断发展,而不断解决应用中提出的各类新课题,又进一步充实和丰富了这门学科的内容。现在已经发展为对物体的模型和图象进行生成,存取和管理的新学科。计算机图形学以它自己特有的算法,直线:DDA 算法、中点法、Bresenham算法。以及圆、圆弧的算法。还有区域填充等方面的各种算法。
本次系统依据计算机图形学理论基础和c 语言在VC 平台基础上设计而成,完成对基本图形的点阵化算法的实现。
关键词:计算机图形学;图形算法;DDA 算法;区域填充Discussing vector graph lattice the machine algorithm that melts realizes Abstract :Computer graphics produces and develops along with computer and its peripheral equipment to get up. It is modern computer science and radar and television and image handling technical development joins the rich fruit that produces. It is building a ship , in aerospace, automobile, electron, machinery, construction work, the advertisement of movie and TV and geography information are light to spin the field extensive applications such as chemical engineering, have promoted the unceasing development of this subject , and constantly solve the various new programs of puting forward in application , and is further substantial and rich the content of this subject. Now, have developed image and the model of being for object to carry out generation , the new subject of access and management. Computer graphics with its own peculiar algorithm, straight line: DDA In algorithm , a little France , BresenhamAlgorithm. As well as it is round , the algorithm of circular arc. Still have area fill etc. the various algorithms of aspect.
This system is basic according to computer graphics theory and c Language when VC On platform foundation, design becomes , the lattice of being completed for basic graph melts the realization of algorithm.