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基于ASP.NET的Easy Go电子商务平台设计

2015-04-07 01:17
导读:电子商务论文毕业论文,基于ASP.NET的Easy Go电子商务平台设计样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:毕业

基于ASP.NET的Easy Go电子商务平台设计

摘  要:伴随互联网以及各项相关技术的发展,互联网已日趋成熟,并使电子商务在社会经济领域得到了广泛的应用。电子商务网上交易作为电子商务的重要内容,电子商务平台在电子商务中的作用越来越关键。本设计采用3层模式,运用ASP.NET实现表示层,VB.NET实现中间层,后台数据库则用SQL Server,实现了电子商务平台的整体功能。本设计说明书的内容包括对电子商务平台的分析,功能架构,平台的整体设计,具体实现以及电子商务平台的实施管理等。在借鉴先进研究成果的基础之上使用用例分析来优化平台的模块划分,并对电子商务平台所涉及的机密信息,采用各种安全策略以保护平台数据、信息传输的安全性、可靠性,为电子商务平台提供了较为完善的解决方案,具有良好的可操作性。


Design of Easy Go Electronic Commerce Platform
Based on ASP. NET

Abstract : With rapid development of relative technology,the Internet is becoming more and more mature,which has made electronic commerce a source of vital importance in the domain of finance economy. As an important part of electronic commerce, the electronic commerce platform is gradually becoming the critical role of electronic commerce transactions on the Internet in the electronic commerce.This design adopts three layers of modes, making use of ASP.NET to realize presentation tier, the VB.NET to realize middle layer,and the background database then uses SQL Server, carrying out the whole function of electronic commerce platform.The contents of this design manual includes the analysis to the electronic commerce platform, function structure, the overall design of the electronic commerce platform,the concrete realization,the implement management of the realization of the electronic commerce and so on.Based on advanced research results,analysis of cases are used to present optimized platform module division, as well as electronic commerce platform which involves confidential information.Otherwise some usages of various security strategy to protect the data of the platform, transmission of the information security and reliability of electronic commerce platform to provide a more comprehensive solution to the electronic commerce platform.All these way have good operability.

Key words :. NET platform; Three layers of modes; The platform of network trading; Security strategy



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