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2015-04-12 01:09

摘 要:电子商务和物流作为现代流通的两大手段,相互之间有着密切的联系。在我国,由于现代物流发展时间不长,存在多方面问题,所以难以适应电子商务环境下的市场需求。本文首先概述了目前我国物流业的发展现状并指出其中的不足,然后在电子商务环境对物流业发展的影响以及发展前景趋势分析的基础上,提出了电子商务环境下物流业发展的个人建议。主要包括加快物流业信息化建设、大力发展第3方物流、提高电子商务地位、加强电子商务人才培养、构筑全国范围内的综合物流系统等方面内容。希望能够为我国新形势物流业的发展提供1定的参考意见。

关键词:电子商务; 物流业; 第3方物流

The Research about China’s Logical Development in E-Commerce
Abstract:Being the modern means of circulation, E-commerce and logistics have a close relationship. For modern logistics don’t exist long in China, it has so many problems that cannot reach the requirements of E-Commerce. The author of this paper first analyzes China’s condition of logistical development and its shortcomings, then proposes some personal suggestions based on the influence and developed tendency in E-Commerce caused by logistics. These suggestions include building information systems, developing third-party Logistics and constructing a nationwide integrated logistics system. We hope that this paper can provide certain suggestions to our country’s development of logistics industry.       

Keywords:E-Commerce; logistical; third-party Logistics.

    上一篇:电子商务环境下我国物流企业的发展研究 下一篇:没有了