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2015-04-08 01:17





关键字:电子商务  物流配送  配送中心 

Research of Logistics and Distribution Based on E- business  

Abstract:Electronic commerce is one of the hottest topic currently, the physical distribution is a important aspect of the E-commerce’s development. Although the physical distribution industry in China has been developed for several years, and made a tremendous progress, but still has a great gap when compares with foreign countries. The serious lag of physical distribution is became the bottleneck of the E-commerce’s development in China.

In the contemporary economy, the delivery in logistic distribution plays a special role that helps reasonably distribute the resources, reduce the costs, and promote the comprehensive advantages of the logistic distribution industry. In China, the delivery in logistic distribution has developed rapidly, yet it is low in intensification, specialization and efficiency. The key factors of the development of the delivery in China’s logistic distribution lie in strengthening the construction of the contemporary logistic distribution centers, making full use of the effect of large-scale economy, and the realization of the standardized management.

In this paper, the author describes a features of the physical distribution in the time of E-commerce, and present a distribution of the distribution model of E-commerce. It as well as a model for China. The author notes some deficiencies in price, people, distribution efficiency, distribution channels and distribution service standards of E-commerce logistics, othervise some active measures that the e-commerce logistics system of the construction with china characteristics are given, which should be taken.

Keywords: E-commerce   physical distribution   distribution center  本文来自中国科教评价网

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