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2015-04-30 02:52


摘要:  目前,我国0售业在采购这1环节上存在诸多弊端,从而严重阻碍了我国0售业的发展。本文从我国0售业采购现状入手,指出了其中的种种不足,并分析了采用电子采购的巨大优势,然后归纳出适合我国0售业发展的电子采购模型。结合国际0售巨头沃尔玛成功实施电子采购的案例,从而得到我国0售业实施电子采购的启示:0售企业对电子采购模型的选择是关键;此外企业通过制定务实高效的总体方针,解决安全及体制问题,实现业务流程的重组,将成为0售业开展电子采购成功与否的决定性步骤。最后针对我国0售业提出几点发展电子商务的建议,希望为我国0售业早日达到世界先进水平提供1定的借鉴作用。 

关键词:  电子采购;0售业;沃尔玛 

Research On Our Country Retail Trade E-procurement Pattern

Abstract:   At present, there are some problems in the link of purchasing of retailing in our country, and hinder the development of retailing severely. Based on the present, situation of purchase retailing ,the paper points out all sorts of insufficiencies, and analyzes the huge superiority of E-purchasing; and then ,induces the E-purchasing model which is suitable for retailing in our country. With the case of Wall-Mart, that the international retailing sales giant succeed in the implementation of E-purchasing. The thesis enlightens that: the chose of E-purchasing model is critical to retailing enterprises, In addition ,the practical and highly effective policy .formulated ,security and system problem ,made and the reorganization of servicing flow will become the decisive step of E-purchasing of retailing which is to be successful or not finally ,the thesis proposes some suggestion for the development of retailing in our country ,hoping to provide a certain function for our retailing to achieve the advanced level of the world .

Keywords:   E-procurement; Retail trade; Wal-Mart 本文来自中国科教评价网

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