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关键词:电子商务;0售业 ;0售行业
About The Application Of E-Commerce in Retails Business
Abstract:By describing the trend of the application of E-commerce in retail business this disquisition reviews the development and the profile of the retail business in China from the reform time in China in 1980 .The mode of the application of E-commerce including retail on-line and electronic supplying management is proposed .The impact of the application of E-commerce on traditional retail business is analyzed. The application of E-commerce in different fields such as department store ,supper market ,chain shops and convenient shops is discussed . In the article, it analyse the problems of application e-business in retail industry and propose relative solving strategy . At last, we analyse the successful examples of LianHua Supermarket application e-business, so it proved retail e-business application advantages in our country.
Key Word:Electronic Commerce ; Retail business ; Retail position