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摘 要
关键词:刑罚; 非监禁刑; 构建
The development of penalty is a process from uncivilization to civilization.The penalty has changed from death and corporal penalty to imprison penalty.Today, modern penalty tends to put more attention on non-imprisonment penalty.Non-imprisonment penalty is a punishment measure accepted by the international society.On the other hand,it is clear that the non-imprisonment penalty does good to the society,the victim,the community and the criminal himself.At present, the study of non-imprisonment penalty is increasingly mature in developed country,however,it is very weak in China yet. Law educational world can’t achieves a mutual recognition about the definition of non-imprinsonment . So it is necessary to probe into the necessity and the the current conditions of non-imprisonmernt penalty,then make a definition and find a way to structure the system in accordance with the legislation and the enforcement of the new Criminal Law.
Key words: penalty;non-imprisonment penalty; structure;