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2017-12-18 01:48
导读:法律论文毕业论文,关于我国民事诉讼起诉条件的思考律毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘要


关键词:民事诉讼;起诉条件 ;诉权;诉讼要件;当事人资格;民事可诉范围


   The prosecution, is one of start civil action procedure importantlinks, also is the litigant seeks the relief through the judicialmethod to its civil rights and interests the important way. Thepresent civil procedure law equates our country civil prosecutioncondition to the mainland legal system lawsuit important document,created has high requested high to the litigant qualifications, civilto be possible to sue fair which the scope too was narrow, sues tocome under the influence the consequence. Thus, also isdisadvantageous to the litigant right of suit protection, also isunable certain to involve the public welfare the new dispute to bringinto line with the judicial process. Therefore, in our country civilaction prosecution condition revision and the consummation, shouldtake the right of suit protection and the expanded judicature reliefscope as the goal, unifies our country national condition, will suethe condition to change the form important document, will put onrecord the examination to change puts on record the registration, andwill carry on the revision to the correlation article.


Key Words:Civil action; Prosecution condition; Right of suit; Essentials of action; Litigant qualifications; Civil jurisdiction.



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