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摘 要
关键字:反不正当竞争; 1般条款 ;诚实信用
With the development of market economy and improvement of science and technology, many new types of unfair competitive acts come into being. What’s more, there are no corresponding regulations in other law, so we need to make general provisions in the Anti-Illicit Competitive Law. This article begins from whether it exist general provisions. Based on the limitation of general provision, it should combine and analysis other countries Anti-Illicit Competitive Law to analysis general provisions in our country’s Anti-Illicit Competitive Law. We will know that our country is not existing real general provisions, so it do some necessary analysis in general provisions which Anti-Illicit Competitive Law regular, then makes some advice to modify the general provision in our country’s Anti-Illicit Competitive Law
Keywords: the Anti-Illicit competitive behaviors; general provisions; honest credit