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2017-12-21 02:14
导读:法律论文毕业论文,“馒头血案”引发的法治困境律毕业论文在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘  要


关键词:著作权  网络著作权  馒头血案


With the development of net-society, the net-deduction works has been more frequently and complex than ever. The behavior of abuse the authority of the net-deduction works occurs the domain and the complexity had the new change. There is no doubt that the short drama “a steamed bun initiation murder case” is a product after the social structure as well as the economy and the culture has some kind of deterioration and the dispute is a problem of law that we must to give much focus. Under the network dissemination rapid development background what is the regulation of the law? Under our country network copyright legislation lag background, according to the present copyright law in our country, to be aimed at the kinds of phenomenon of the network’s development, analysis related network copyright legal matter.

Key word:Copyright  Network copyright  Steamed bun murder case

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