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2017-12-23 01:07
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论侦查程序的司法化律毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘    要



The investigation procedure is one important constituent of the law of criminal litigation. It is considered to be the core of national criminal litigation procedure. To the part of judicial practice, indictment and trial rely on the result of investigation greatly. In fact most trials announcing quilty are supported by the powerful investigation system. That is to say, in a sense, it is the trial rather than investigation that decides the desting of crime suspectsand defendants in China.
The present situation of Law in our country is that, the requlations of judicial examination to investigation is almost a piece of blank. Therefore, it is both necessary and feasible to establish the judicial examination system in China through which the court can examine the investigation. That is the inevitable result of right procedure development. By the means of establishing the judicial examination system to investigation, the openness and transparency of investigation can be enhanced, the illegal investigation can be prevented effectively, the rights of crime suspects can be assured, and the rights of crime suspects can be assured, and the fame as well as the position of the court can also be improved. This judicial examination system is the space between the investigation institution and the court, throng which the crime suspects and other formidable sponsors can sffectively and fairly resist the state power.


Key words: Criminal investigation procedure; Investigation institution; Investigation power; Judicial examination

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