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2017-12-22 05:49
导读:法律论文毕业论文,关于诉权若干问题的思考律毕业论文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘 要




Tell power from what law system make sure told, give the party concerned to carry on litigation, request a court to exercise the basic right of the citizen that the judicature solves dispute and protection rights by law.The content which tells power has dual namely procedure content and entity content, so-called tell the procedure connotation of power to request a court to exercise judicature on the procedure, this kind of telling of meaning power exercises an aim Be starting litigation procedure to exercise judicature with court from the procedure claim, have to guide civil case dispute or controversy to the procedure function of civil case in court.The entity connotation means protection civil case the rights reach agreement the claim of civil case dispute definitely, is the judicature protective core object, twos are the means relationship with purposes, and complement each other together the composing tell the complete content of powerAll of the mental state, life style and law systems(include litigation system) of[with] history tradition, culture, citizen of a nation are the reason that influence and bar tell power to exercise and violate to tell power normally Therefore, the law lacks can tell sex disadvantage in tell power of protect and exercise, only from told the angle of power to say, our country the top of the lawmaking should increase with enrichment the laws such as constitution and civil case entity method etc. can tell sex Litigation of fair and economy, the related contents of perfect and current civil case in court, and increase reasonable provision, is let the citizen accept judicatory, trust litigation of important path.

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)

Key words: The right of action ; The right of civil action ; Protection of the right of civil action; restriction of the right of civil action

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