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2017-12-22 05:04
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论商业贿赂行为及其法律治理律毕业论文论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 摘

摘  要


关键词: 商业贿赂行为  回扣  折扣  不正当竞争行为  法律治理


Business bribery, one of the unfair competition behavior, breaks the order of the market economy , injures the legal rights of the consumers, and induces the officeholders to take bribe in a sense. So, it has the very big hazardness for society . At present, the number of these acts has sharply increased in our country. To this end, the business bribery behavior must be brought under control. Valid measures should be taken to strengthen the punishment and cure of the business bribery behavior. This thesis analyses the actuality and disadvantage of legal system of cracking down on business bribery behavior in our country. And Put forward some methods and measures on cracking down on business bribery behavior with the concrete conditions of china.

Keywords: Commercial Bribery; brokerage; Discount; the unfair competition behavior; treatment by Law.

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