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2017-12-23 01:25

摘   要


关键词:行政垄断;反垄断法; 行政利益的多元化


In September,1993, Our country regarding "the Anti-Vnethical competition Law" makes to "administration monopoly" standard. However, at present Counter- monopoly law of our country are not perfect about the judicature, legislation and Law enforcement. Along with our country market economy further development. The phenomenon of Administration monopoly with fair competition violates already became the topic which the society paid attention. Our country "Counter- Monopoly Law Draft" soon appears. The article has fully analyzed the reason and the harm which the administration monopoly produces, and has proposed how to improves present situation.

Key word:  Administration monopoly;  Counter- monopoly law;  Administrative benefit multiplication



    上一篇:从《无极》事件浅析中国环境保护制度的不足及 下一篇:没有了