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摘 要
Along with the modern company in the board of directors center principle establishment, the management jurisdiction daily expansion, strengthens the director liability, can urge the director to fulfill obligation fulfills liability fulfills it to companys obligation. Our country company law although has stipulated the director to companys liability, the obligation, moreover discusses quite a lot also in the theory. But director to third-party of liability and obligation, not only is in the blank in the legislation, moreover discusses in the legal principle theory of law in sufficiently is also full, this and the third-party in the company law important status is not symmetrical. The third-party although is in outside the company, but it has extremely close relationship with the company, with companys survival, development benefit matter. Is opposite to said as the company interior persons director that, the third-party the dissymmetry which obtains to the company information, causes its rights and interests to perform specially to protect, by balances the company, the director, the third-party of between benefit. Therefore, strengthens the director to the company, the third-party of liability, the obligation, to protects the third-party of legitimate rights and interests, maintains the transaction security, then the main tenancy societys economic order has the vital significance.
Key word: director; third-party; legal obligation
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