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2017-12-23 06:21
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论宋代的契约关系律毕业论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要




The Song Dynasty contractual relationship, widely exists in the agriculture, the handicraft industry, the trade and service industry,the contract type also day by day diversifies, the contract rule issupporting the entire social economy progress and is helpful to thesocial trend equality. Most main contract type includes: Business contract, lends money the contract, the tenancy contract, prearrangesthe purchase contract, sell on credit contract and so on.generally speaking, Song Dynastys contractual relationship has its unique characteristic, for instance said: The country is strict to the contract system control; Contract main body personality disassimilation; Contract content one-sidedness as well as country limit tocontract object. In our country entire feudal societys historic course, Song Dynastys legal system and the legal achievement all have had theprofound influence to our country feudal society other dynasty.They are profited from by other dynasty, and it also is the important object in the contemporary China legal system history research. This article draws up to the Song Dynastycontractual relationship development condition carries on the multi-angles the inspection and the analysis.


Key words: Song Dynasty;contract idea;contract type;influence

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