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2017-12-24 06:23
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论我国宏观调控法律制度的完善—兼谈政府责任在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘   要

目前,中国经济和中国政府正处在1场巨大转型的时期,“有限政府”、“责任政府”、“公共财政”、“和谐社会”等执政理念已经开始践行。但是关于政府责任理论的研究还是空白,没有明确提出政府该如何承担经济责任。 有些政府行为往往以宏观调控为名,行计划控制或行政手段之实。中国目前在市场准入方面存在许多行政性壁垒。普遍的地方保护主义及政府直接干预市场经济运行,大多以加强宏观调控的名义取得合法性,实际上既阻碍了市场经济体制的完善,也削弱了宏观调控的有效性。因此,文章从政府在经济领域、法律领域以及行政领域来阐述政府应当起到的作用,提出政府在经济发展建设中也应承担相应的责任,从而完善我国宏观调控法律制度。

关键词:政府责任;  宏观调控;  依法行政; 政府干预 


At present,Chinese government and economic are in a period of onging transition,some governing ideas are in practice now, such as“limited government” ,“responsible government”,“public finance” and “harmonious society”.  But the theory about government responsibility is still null,we have not put forward how to response the economic obligations definitely.Some governmental behaviors are performed by controling through planning or administrative means under color of governments macro-control. Nowadays, there are a lot of administrative barriers in chinas market access . Regional protectionism and Government intervention in the normal running of market economy becoming legality in the name of strengthening the macro-control.
Actually, it embarrass the improving of Market Economic Structure as well as weakening the validity of macro-control.So ,this paper will study on the government ’s role from the areas of ecnomic, law and administration to propose that government should be responsible to the economic developmnet in order to improving the laws and rules of our macro-control.

Keywords:  Government responsbility ; Macro-control ;Carry out official duties in accordance with the law; Government intervension  (转载自科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)

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