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2017-12-25 02:54
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论我国违宪审查制度的模式选择律毕业论文在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘

摘  要

违宪审查是特定国家机关对宪法行为是否违宪的1种裁判和处理机制, 其实质是保障公民基本权利。我国实行全国人大及其常委会违宪审查模式,但目前其存在违宪审查主体能力不足、审查对象不全、审查权责不统1和审查程序、方式存有瑕疵等问题。我国应在尊重国情、公民权利保护和机构改革效益最大化3项原则基础上,建立由宪法监督委员会和全国人大各专门委员会分工行使违宪审查权,事前审查和事后审查相结合的违宪审查模式。



Constitutional Review is a mechanism which specific state organs magistrate and handle constitution behavior whether violates the constitution, and its essence is to protect the fundamental rights of citizens. China adopted the Constitutional Review Mode of the NPC and its standing committee, but it has some issues at present, such as the ability of Constitutional Review body is poor, the review is incomplete, the review responsibilities are not unified and review procedures and methods have flaws and so on. China should respect in the respect national condition, the rights of citizens protection and in the organization reform benefit maximization three principles foundations, established the combination of prior review and after review model, which the constitution surveillance committee sharing the exercise of the Constitutional Review power with the special committees of the NPC.

Key word: Constitutional Review; Judicial review; Unconstitutional                                                       



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