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2017-12-26 01:44
导读:法律论文毕业论文,论证据不足不起诉律毕业论文论文样本,在线游览或下载,科教论文网海量论文供你参考: 摘

摘    要




Nolle prosequi lake of evidence, it is one decision decided by the supervise court not render the case to the court and cease the activity of sue which be delirered by the public security bureau to the supervise court. Or be inrestigated to be end by themselves that the supervise court yet consider the evidence insufficient and can’t satify the condition of being sued by supplement investigation. With the revised crimiral law and criminal procedure law putting into effet concretely and the view of judicature updatling, the case’ proportion of lawful unsue and deliberate unsue is more and more small instead that the unsued cases are incease because of insufficient evidence.
As to the cases lacking of sufficient evidence, we should conform one compensation system on the basis of protecting the litigant’s legal interests and integrate our objective situation perfecting the unused cases remaining doubt system.

Key words: evidence;noble poseur;elect;compensate

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