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2016-02-02 01:19



The design of simple system of Chinese character recognition
—Design of handwritten Chinese character recognition on line system based on getting sequence of line segments

Abstract: Chinese character recognition means that computer can distinguish characters that written or printed on paper automatically, and it belongs to the pattern recognition and artificial intelligence areas in subjects, it stands at the highest peak in language recognition technology. In the application, it is a kind of Chinese character input method that is high-speed and automatic, it plays an important part in the interface of computer in new generation. Handwritten Chinese character recognition on-line refers to machine distinguishing character written in graphical input board by people with a pen, and distinguishing following writing. Machine recognition is a very convenient method of Chinese character input. In different kinds of automatic recognition technology, it may be the only possible way to replace or partially replace the manual input. Therefore, it is of great significance to research handwritten Chinese character recognition on-line. This paper designed a handwritten Chinese character recognition system which is based on getting sequence of line segments, through which the stroke is recognized, and then the Chinese character is recognized through stroke sequence finally. The system uses J2ME as the development platform, and can run in the mobile phone simulator.

Keywords: on line; handwritten; Chinese character recognition



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