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摘 要:Internet的日益普及给人们的生活和工作方式带来了巨大的变革,人们在享受网络技术带来的便利的同时,安全问题也提上了议事日程,网络安全也成为计算机领域的研究热点之1。本文在介绍因特网中使用的TCP/IP协议的基础上,对TCP/IP协议的安全性进行了较为全面的讨论,从理论上分析了协议中几种主要的安全隐患,然后在分析有关安全协议的研究成果的基础上,提出了将数据包的数据部分加密传输并对报头部分加以认证的方法等以保障安全的观点。将网络安全理论与实践结合是提高网络安全性的有效途径。本文利用目前常用的协议分析工具对TCP/IP协议子过程进行了深入的分析,并针对TCP/IP协议存在的安全隐患做了大量的实际操作和实验。希望能对未来的信息社会中网络安全环境的形成有所帮助。
The TCP/IP Security Research
Abstract:The increasingly popularization of Internet brings great changes to the manners of peoples living and working. As people enjoy the convenience brought by network technology, security issues also come into consideration. Network security also becomes one of the research hotspots in the computer domain. This paper mainly focuses on the security of the TCP/IP protocol on the basis of introduction of the TCP/IP protocol. It also analyzes the several main hidden troubles in this protocol. By analyzing the achievements in the research of the related securce protocol,it draws such a view that the data field of a packet should be encrypted and the head field of the packet should be authenticated to ensure security. And it is an effective way to combine the theory of the network security with the practice. This paper studies deeply on the TCP/IP protocol’s sub-process, using the protocol analyzing tools that currently usually used. Many experiments have been done on the hidden troubles in the TCP/IP protocol, and hope to be helpful to form a network security environment in the coming information society.
Keywords: TCP/IP;Security;Protocol