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摘要: Web服务是1种新型的Web应用程序,具有自包含、自描述和模块化等特点,可以通过Web发布、查找和调用。目前, Web服务更注重描述服务的功能,而不是描述语义。语义Web并不是1个独立的Web,它是当前Web的扩展,其中的信息被给予良定的含义,使得计算机和人能够更好的协作。在知识的语义表达中,有两个层次的研究:1是在理论上,基于逻辑形式化的研究工作;2是基于这些逻辑理论的本体论的研究。本文阐述了目前Web服务中的研究热点-语义Web服务的基本概念、体系结构和核心支撑技术,并分别综述了语义Web服务合成、语义Web服务发现和语义Web服务安全等问题。
关键词: Web服务;语义Web;本体;DAML-S;语义Web服务
Survey on Semantic Web Services
Abstract: Web services are a new breed of Web applications. They are self-contained, self-describing, modular applications that can be published, located, and invoked across the Web. At present, Web services have generated great interests in describing the functional signature of the services rather than characterising their meaning. The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one, in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. There are two aspects investigations on the semantic presentation and reasoning of the knowledge. One aspect based on the theory is logic-based formalization investigation, and the other is logic theory-based ontology researches. This paper presents the hot spot in the academic research of Web service¬s----the basic concepts, architecture and underlying techniques of semantic Web services. This paper also presents a summary of the problems, including semantic Web services composition, semantic Web services discovery and semantic Web services security, etc.
Keywords: Web services;semantic Web;Ontology;DAML-S;semantic Web services