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摘 要
本系统用ASP技术设计了1种全面实用的网络考试系统方案。该系统用SQL SERVER作为后台数据库,分析了传统考试系统的缺陷,采用了多种新的设计方案,满足了多种题型、任意题量、任意数量班级同时考试的要求。通过将ASP技术与SQL技术相结合很好地实现了安全性、稳定性以及考试时间判断、考试结束自动交卷等功能。考生试卷与成绩不但保存在数据库中,同时也以文件的形式保存到指定目录下,方便后期管理。本系统采用了ASP、SQL网络数据库开发等技术,经过运行测试,完全能够满足实际考试的各项要求。本系统首先叙述了考试方式的历史、现状以及ASP语言和SQL SEVER2000数据库管理系统的概况,然后重点介绍了无纸化网络考试系统的实现过程:包括系统分析、系统调查、数据流程分析、功能设计、数据库设计、系统物理配置方案、系统实现、系统测试和调试,最后总结了本系统的特点:节约考试成本,提高考试工作的效率。本系统主要面向3类人员使用:普通学生、考务人员、领导,使用时他们拥有不同的权限。使用的过程是通过考试新闻的发布、试卷的制定、审核、生成、考试结果的公布与查询来实现在线标准化考试,从而使考试可以方便地通过 Internet和局域网进行。
关键词:网络考试系统; ASP;SQL SERVER2000;基于WEB
Abstract (科教作文网http://zw.NSEaC.com编辑发布)
This system designs a kind of completely practical Network Examination System project by the technique of ASP(Active Server Pages). This system uses the SQL SERVER conduct and actions backstage database, and the article analyzing the flaws of traditional examination system, adopts various new designs project, satisfes various types, arbitrary measures, arbitrary examination requests that some classes can examine at the same time. The technique of ASP combines together with the technique of SQL. It realizes safety stability well and examination time judgment and auto hands in examination papers. The system tries keep with score not only in database but also keep to specify the catalogue with the documentary form for the convenience period management. Then this project adopted the ASP and SQL and network database etc. The technique can satisfy completely physically various requests of examination through the test. Described the examination history, present condition and the ASP language with the SQL SEVER2000 -the database manage systems general condition. I emphases introduced the process to realize the network examination without paper system: Include the system the analysis, system to investigate, data process analysis, function design, database design, the system physics install the project, system to realize, the system test and debug. Summarized the characteristics of this system: Economy examination cost, increase the examination works efficiency. Finally this system primarily face to three personnel usageses: Common student, test personnel, leader, they own the different legal power when use this system. The usages process of standardize examine without papers is an announcement for of examination establishment, examining, bornly, examination result and search of announce, thus make examination can expediently pass the Internetand intranetthe proceeding.
Key words: Network Examination System; ASP; SQL SERVER; According to WEB