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2016-02-07 01:11

摘   要


Workflow technology, a rapidly developing technology, has the main characteristic that makes business process automated and the automation of processes involving combinations of human and IT applications, Workflow Management assign the right task to the right people at the right time in the right order so it can be used to standardize the management and improve the working efficiency.

Because of the good adaptabilities to the enterprises’ business, the workflow technology now has already been used extensively. The workflow management system is a computer software system that can support the enterprises management process to carry out in a high efficiency and dominate the management process. The workflow engine is the core of the workflow management system. The workflow engine offers series of common services for the management systems with the purpose of bringing all kinds of management systems to be applied concretely.
Based on the structure of the migrating instance, the paper researches the realization mechanism of lightweight migrating instance, and discusses the tasks specification and the engine of the migrating instance. In connection with the common business of the present enterprises, we put the definition of the lightweight workflow engine to use, and research the concrete design and accomplishment of the lightweight workflow engine chiefly, achieved the basic function of the lightweight workflow engine. The relation of the tasks and the transitions of the tasks states are described by ECA rule. We research the task implementation mechanism of the lightweight migrating instance based on state transition diagram of the task and ECA rules is discussed, and then give the working process of the engine.

Keywords:Lightweight; workflow engine; workflow model; workflow instance; ECA rules


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