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目 录
前 言 1
1 课题需求与背景 2
2 系统开发的相关工具和知识简介 4
2.1 前台开发平台Visual C++ 6.0 4
2.1.1 使用 Visual C++ 6.0开发数据库的优势 4
2.1.2 常用的Visual C++ 6.0数据库开发技术 5
2.1.3 ODBC简介 6
2.1.4 ODBC体系结构 7
2.1.5 MFC介绍 7
2.2 数据库管理系统的选取及介绍 9
2.2.1 数据库简介 9
2.2.2 数据库设计 10
2.2.3 ACCESS数据库简介 11
3 系统需求分析 12
3.1 系统设计原则 12
3.2 系统设计目标 12
3.3 开发设计思想 12
3.4 系统边界确定 13
3.5 系统功能分析 13
4 系统总体设计与实现 15
4.1 系统设计方法 15
4.2 系统功能模块的设计 15
4.3 数据库设计 15
4.3.1 数据库需求分析 16
4.3.2 数据库概念结构设计 18
4.3.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 21
4.3.4 数据库操作的准备 25
5 系统详细设计 27
5.1 建立程序管理窗口 27
5.2 登录窗口设计 28
5.2.1 登录窗口界面 28
5.2.2 登录窗口流程分析 28
5.2.3 登录窗口代码实现 29
5.3 口令修改窗口的设计 30
5.3.1 口令修改窗口界面 30
5.3.2 口令修改窗口流程分析 31
5.3.3 口令修改窗口实现代码 31
5.4 员工信息管理模块的设计 33
6 系统程序的编译和实现 37
6.1 系统程序的编译 37
6.2 系统程序与数据库的连接 37
6.2.1 ODBC数据源的创建 37
6.2.2 连接数据源 38
结 束 语 40
参考文献 41
致 谢 42
The Design and Implement of Staffs Training
Management System
Abstract: This system adopts the structure of Client Server system. The Client takes in charge of offering the expressing logic, displaying the users interface information, and visiting the database server. And the server is used to offer the service of data.
It regards Visual C++ 6.0 as the developing tool, and Access 2000 as the behind database. Moreover, it divides the model according to the actual function of staffs management system. Firstly, it is the design of the entering interface, includes the confirmation of the entering code. The entering system is main to proceed the design of staffs information managing model. The model includes many basic situations, staffs information, staffs training plan , staffs necessity and so on. There are other several small function models, for example, managing models of training lesson, training textbook, training plan, training trainee and other designs. The designing ways of models process, which adopted by system, is convenient to the various organization and revision of system function, and the complement and maintenance of the technological workers who didnt take part in development. (科教作文网http://zw.ΝsΕac.cOM编辑)
The system has the function of the data safeguarding. And its adding, modifying and copying of data basing on consumer demand.
The development of the whole staffs training management system reflects the ideology of software project, achieves how to use ODBC to develop the apply procedure of data in Visual C++, makes the training of enterprise systematize, standardization and automation to improve the training managing efficiency of enterprise.
Keywords:staffs training management;ODBC;MFC; Access。
前 言