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摘 要:教研室管理是大学的主要日常管理工作之1,涉及到教师信息管理、教师所授课程管理等诸多方面,随着教学体制的不断改革,尤其是学分制、选课制的展开和深入,教研室日常管理工作日趋繁重、复杂。如何使教研室管理工作便捷化是现代高校发展的重点,所以迫切需要研制开发1种综合性的教研室辅助管理软件。
该软件主要实现了针对本教研室所管理的教师个人信息、教师所授课程等信息的添加、修改、删除。实现了相关教学信息的录入,资料的上传和上传资料的统计。设计充分利用Delphi 7数据库技术的强大力量,灵活运用了数据库组件、数据表组件、查询组件、数据感知组件等,提高了编程效率。
关键词:数据库;SQL语言;Delphi 7;数据库组件。
The assistant management software of staff room
Abstract:The management of staff room is one of the university’s main works, it involves the management of personal information of teachers and the courses they teach and so on. With the teaching system reform, particularly with the launch of credit system reform and select elective courses reform, the management work becomes heavy and complicated. How to make the management work more conveniently is the emphases of the development of the modern higher education. So it is imminently for us to develop a synthetical management software of staff room . (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
This text unites the assistant management software of staff room, studies and uses SQL language ,the Delphi application program design and Delphi database technique, mainly introduces the need analysis of the management software of staff room, the partition of function mold and the database mode analysis, designs the database structure and application procedure. The result of the program running certificates that assistant management software of staff room which we design in this text can satisfies the usual need of our work.
The software mainly realizes adding, modifying and deleting personal information of teachers and the courses they teach, which is in this management of staff room . Also it can be used to transfer the document and finish the statistical work. The design makes full use of the great technical power of database technique of Delphi7,uses the database component , data watch module, the search module , and the data feeling module flexibly, it improves the efficiency of programme .
Key words: database; SQL language; Delphi7; database component .
目 录 (转载自http://www.NSEAC.com中国科教评价网)
前 言 1
1 SQL 语言介绍 2
1.1 SQL概述 2
1.2 SQL语句 2
2 DELPHI数据库编程 3
2.1 Delphi 7 的特点 3
2.2 Delphi 7数据库的体系结构 3
2.3 Delphi 7数据库组件简介 4
2.4 SQL语言在Delphi中的应用 4
3 教研室辅助管理软件设计分析 6
3.1 应用需求分析 6
3.2 系统数据库设计 7
4 教研室辅助管理软件应用程序设计 10
4.1 系统功能模块组成 10
4.2 数据模块窗体的设置 10
4.3 用户登陆窗体的创建 11
4.4 主窗体设计 14
4.5 教师信息管理模块设计 14
4.5.1 教师基本信息录入 15
4.5.2 教师信息删除、修改窗体设计 16
4.6 课程信息管理模块设计 18
4.7 系统用户管理模块设计 19
4.8 教学资料上传管理模块设计 22
4.8.1 资料上传设计 23
4.8.2 资料信息管理设计 25
4.8.3 上传档案管理设计 28
5 结束语 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 33