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2016-06-27 01:00


摘 要

系统采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000,客户端采用OLE DB 和ADO技术访问数据库。此系统可用于对住宅小区的用户信息、物业收费、停车场、住户投诉、报修,物业缴费、住户预付款房屋资料、住户收费项目、住户家庭成员等资源数据进行统1管理。


This system is mainly dealing with the managment of this district.it includes the basic information putting, mangament,checking the account and managing the system, four parts in total.this system can fufill the view,checking,add, delete,edit and accounting information.


The system has adpoted microsft sql server 2000,also it has adpoted ole db and ado to go to the database for the customer.the second system can be useful for user information, securtiy, car packing,customer complaining,repairment,paying for the security,information for prepaid house, bill list for the house owner, membership in one family.
At first is the summary of the article,indicating the orignial and the delevpomnet tool in detailed information.
The first chapter is the demand analyse, it made a particular explaining for the demand analyseaim,meaning,methond,basic knowledge,the demanding of function,the environment of exploitation and running,and made a analyse for process of system realize.
The second chapter is design for data-base pattern,made a particular elucidate for the developing of data-base,the basictheory of data-base,the basic language of sql.at last made a analyse for the data-base systmes of small things and industry management particular design.
The third chapter is standardization,mostly expatiated the standard of softwar interfaces design and the standard and criterion of software coding design.
The fourth chapter is arithmetic,there is mostly system typical data flow chart,and the plot of data-base system.
Tthe fifth chapter is systems realize,mostly introduce each module formsproperty,interface and code.
The sixth chapter is the test and conclution.
At last is the ending, greeting and reference books.
keywords: database, sql, c/s format, security, security system


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