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2016-07-02 01:01

摘要:随着网络的普及和办公自动化的发展,计算机技术被运用到了很多的事务管理中。越来越多的企业单位运用计算机管理事务,提高事务管理的效率。本课题研究的“毕业设计事务管理系统”是在这1基础上将自动化办公的理念运用在了毕业设计事务管理中,本系统集成了毕业设计学生信息管理系统、老师基本信息系统、菜单修改系统、任务分配系统  、选题系统、开题管理系统、中期检查系统、期末检查系统、答辩管理系统、评语管理系统、毕业设计文档系统、信息查询系统、用户管理系统、指导空间系统、通知公文管理系统和设计指南系统几大功能。首先对b/s系统的开发语言和开发工具作了介绍,然后分析了系统功能和系统总体性能要求,详细讲述了系统的总体设计、个别模块的数据库设计和代码实现。在整个过程中遵循了软件设计原理,结果证明,该设计思路是可行并有效的。该系统的设计和实现证明办公自动化可以合理的运用到毕业设计管理事务中去。
Design and Implementation of Management System
for Graduation Designing
Abstract:With the popularization  of the network and the development of automatic office, computer is used in many work’s managements. More and more corporations use computer to operate their business, to advance their work efficiency. “The Management of Graduation designing ”to be studied in this thesis is based on the conception of automatic office, which will be used in graduation designing work. This system gathers the following several functions: the management system of the students’ information; the fundamental information of teachers; menu revision system; work distribution system; subject choosing system; the beginning work management system; medium term inspection system; terminal inspection system; the plea management system; the valuation  management system; graduation designing file system; information inquiring system; users management system; guidance system; notifying office document system and the designing direction system. The author at first give an introduction to the development language and the development tool of b/s system, then the author has an analysis on the requirements of the system’s functions and its general properties, explain the system’s general designing; specific data base designing and the realization of code. 。The thesis follows the principle of software designing during the whole process; it turns out that this designing thought is feasible and efficient. Through the designing and realization of this system, we can find that the automatic office can be applied to the management of graduation designing reasonably. (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
Key word:software engineering; data base; the management of graduation designing


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