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2016-07-23 01:02

摘  要

In the past time, corporations had to cost a lot of handcraft work to deal with the salary works, such as adding, calculating, totaling and so on. In this process, the officiency of the work is low because of the great lot of date. At the same time, people it is likely to make mistakes in this work. The thesis is based on the Current Salary-managing System, it tries to build a scientific salary-managing information system database..The purpose is to reduce the workload by replacing the handcraft work with the computer work, and improve the work efficiency. Through the deeply studying and research on the C/S mode, Delphi7.0 developing instrument, the database and the SQL language, the thesis completes the demand analysis, database design, application program design of the salary-managing system. The salary-managing system includes database files of salary manage, check on work attendance rewards and punishment, and management of the database files, the functions of addition, delete, query. (科教范文网http://fw.ΝsΕΑc.com编辑)
Through the experiment design is reasonable and the functions of the system are completely right, the running of the system is stable and it can meet the need of the work.
Keywords: Salary; Database; SQL; MIS


    上一篇:人事工资管理系统的开发与实现VB+SQL 下一篇:基于jetspeed的信息门户的设计与开发