2015-04-13 02:11
导读:注 释 1 Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigation, p253. 2 Edmund Husserl , The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Evanston : Northwestern University Press , 1970 ,
注 释
1 Edmund Husserl, Logical Investigation, p253. 2 Edmund Husserl , The
Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Evanston :
Northwestern University Press , 1970 , p. 23.
3 Plato , Diog., Theaetetus , 151 e 2-3, 152 c 5-7, 185 c 4-e 2. ,
208 c 7-8 208c 7-e 4.
4 Plato ,Diog. , Republic , 509 d 6-511 e 5.
5 Aristotle , Metaphysics, 987 b 14 ff. Cf. 1059 b 2 ff.
6 Edmund Husserl, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology,
Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970 , pp. 51-52.
7 Ibid. , p.24.
8 Ibid. , p.26.
9 Ibid. , p.26.胡塞尔是在莱布尼兹的意义下使用「统觉地(apperzeptiv )」
为一种反思的行为)。(apperzeptiv. Husserl uses this term in the Leibnizian
sense to denote a self-conscious act(but not necessarily an act of reflection)
under a certain point of view or“attitude”(Einstellung ),here the mathematical.)
10 Ibid., p.32.
11 Ibid., p.32.
12参阅Aristotle , Metaphysics, 985, b 23-26, b 31-986 a 3.
13 Edmund Husserl , The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental
Phenomenology , Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1970 , p.37
14 Ibid., p.52.
16参阅Edmund Husserl, Philosophie der Arithmetik , p.192, p.197.
17 Edmund Husserl , The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental
Phenomenology , Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1970 , pp.48-49.
18 Edmund Husserl , Logical Investigation, vol.3, p.57.
19 Edmund Husserl , The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental
Phenomenology , Evanston : Northwestern University Press, 1970 , p.107.
20 Ibid., p131.
Husserl , E. , Die Krisis der europaeischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale
Phaenomenologie. Eine Einleitung in die ph?nomenologische Philosophie. Edited
by Walter Biemel. 1962〔The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental
Phenomenology , trans. David Carr. Evanston:Northwestern University Press,
1970. 〕
---------, Ideen zu einer reinen Phaenomenologie und phaenomenologischen
Philosophie. Erstes Buch: Allgemeine Einfuehrung in die reine Phaenomenologie.
Edited by Walter Biemel. 1950.〔Ideas : General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology,
trans. F. Kersten. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff ,1982. 〕
---------, Logical Investigation, trans. J. N. Findlay, N.Y.:The
Humanities Press, 1970.
Aristotle , Metaphysics in The Complete Works of Aristotle , Edited by
Jonathan Barens , New Jersey : Ptinceton University Press , 1984.
Becker, O. “Contribution towards the Phenomenological Foundation of Geometry