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2013-07-20 01:11
导读:化学论文毕业论文,注水工艺技术研究怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:   关键词:分层注水 

  关键词:分层注水 吸水能力 注水管柱 封隔器 配水器

  论文摘要 :我国大部分油田都是非均质多油层砂岩油藏,各类油层在层间、平面内有很大的差异性,通过分不同的开发层系,每口井仍有几个或十几个小层进行开采,各层之间的渗透率仍然存在较大差异,这些差异对注水开发效果有很大影响。有油田物性差异、层内矛盾、层间矛盾十分突出,注水过程中的单层突进和舌进现象十分明显,导致注入水推进不均匀。因此分层注水就显得非常必要。


ABSTRACT :Wholly right and wrong all much oil layers of character sandstone oil deposits in best oil field of our country ,there is very great divergence inner place different type of oil layer is living between the straturm and the plane ,fastens on the development straturm by means of the branch difference ,per mouthful of well  yet possess several either tens little straturms to extract .osmosis leading between every straturm yet is greatter divergence ,these divergence adjust to pour water into to be opened up effect to possess the very great effect .Possess oil field matter divergence and inner place the straturm spear and shield andcontradictorily fully stress between the straturm Pours water into in the process single tier advances suddenly and the tongue that to move forward the appearance fully obvious ,cause emptying into water to carry forward ununiformly .The layeringseem very much indispensable hence being poured water into .

  The course practice development in the past few years .The technology poured water into has  takeed shape in the interest of one suit of effectual means .In the original beginning ,detailed introduction is poured water into , and water power force divergence reason and some kinds of quiz means in common use along with effect its some elements are breathed in to the well .Next is adjusting to pour water into instruction curve analysis and research application .The nationwide every oil field the practice summing-up by means of adjust .obtain some kinds of meanss that the realization layering was poured water into .

  Keywords: Layering is poured water into, Breathe in water power force, the tube of pour water into, excluder, bottom hole regulator (转载自中国科教评价网http://www.nseac.com

  前 言











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