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2014-02-16 01:05

[摘  要] 合唱艺术,这颗音乐文化史上璀璨的明珠,她历史悠久,渊远流长。在欧洲,可追随到距今已近千年的中世纪宗教音乐。在中国,随着西方文化的输入,西方宗教的传播,以及学堂乐歌的流行,为我国合唱音乐的创作发展准备了必要的条件。合唱音乐创作在我国的兴起,虽然和欧洲相比,起步较晚,至今只有近百年的历史。但是,从早期的李叔同,54运动后的萧友梅、赵元任、黄自、冼星海,建国以后的贺绿汀、江定仙、瞿希贤、李焕之……等人,对合唱音乐创作的辛勤耕耘、大胆探索,使合唱音乐创作取得了迅速的发展、辉煌的成就。

[关键词] 中国大陆    合唱音乐    创作    发展历程

Abstract: Chorus art, the bright pearl in the culture history of this music, she has a long history, of long standing and well established. In Europe, can follow to the religious music in Middle Ages in the past one thousand years of today of the distance . In China, with the introduction of western culture, western religious spread, the prevalence of and the happy song of school, prepare essential terms for the creation development of the music of chorus of our country. The rise in our country of music composition of chorus, though compared with Europe, start relatively late, only history of the past one hundred years so far. But and, Xiao YouMei , Zhao Yuanren , Huang Zi, Xian Xinghai behind the May Fourth Movement from early Li Shutong, after the foundation of the state congratulate spit of fland not He Luding, Jiang Dingshan, Qu Xixian, Li Huanzhi. Wait for people , to the diligent cultivation , probing boldly of music composition of the chorus , make the music composition of the chorus obtain fast development , brilliant achievement.

Key words: China mainland    Chorus music    Create    Develop course


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