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[摘要] 呼吸是动力,气息冲击声带发出声音,这声音经过共鸣腔体把它加以扩大和美化,而形成动听的歌声。歌唱者在考虑问题的时候不要只考虑1个问题,如只想练呼吸,其他问题不想,如果没有其他因素的辅助,你很难断定你唱得是对还是不对,对到什么程度,为什么是对的,或者错是错到什么程度,为什么是错的,怎么才是最合适的,要从最后的音响来判断。简单地说,绝不会出现这种现象!你用的共鸣是好的,嗓子也对,就是呼吸不好。这是不可能的。要是对就全对,有1个部分不对,其他两个也好不了,这3个是统1体。本文试通过关于呼吸和共鸣的论述让更多声乐爱好者更快、更科学的掌握其训练方法。
[关键词] 呼吸 共鸣
Abstract: four parts , the breath strikes the vocal cord and sounds, this sound expands and beautifies it through a of body of sympathetic response, and form beautiful song. The persons who sing dont only consider a question when consider the question, if only want to practice breathing, other problem think of, without to assist other factor, you very difficult to conclude you sing one right wrong, to what degree does it reach, why be right, or fault what degree does it reach by mistake, why is wrong, how is it the most suitable , judge from the last stereo . To be simple , will never present this kind of phenomenon ! The sympathetic response that you use is good, the throat is right too, but does not breathe well. This is impossible. If correctly on correctly , have one incorrect part , have two more other very too while being the whole, these three are entities .
Keywords: location breathe sympathetic response