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2014-03-10 01:12

[内容摘要]  歌唱的表演艺术永远需要的是自信,这是我们所有的学者在学习中取得进步的先决条件。自信心是人们顺利完成各种活动的重要条件,是勇于开拓进取者不可缺少的积极心理品质,也是做人的重要品格。培养学生声情并茂地歌唱首先要培养学生的自信心,使其自信地歌唱。同时歌唱是最富有情感的艺术,因此,在以审美为核心的歌唱教学中,情感的表现、情感的宣泄和情感的交流就成为1个极其重要的教学目标。

[关键词]  培养    自信     表情    自然     歌唱

Abstract:Self-confidence is always needed in the art of singing, which is the precondition for all us learners in the course of study. Self-confidence is an important condition for people to complete everything, and is the positive essential condition for pathbreakers and pushers, and also an important character for us to live. To cultivate student to sing expressively, the first thing to do is to cultivate their self-confidence and let they sing confidently. Singing is the most expressive art. Therefore, as to singing teaching,which takes aesthetic judgment as the core factor, the expression and utterance and communication of emotion became an extremely important goal.

Keyword: cultivation  self-confidence  expressive natural  singing

    上一篇:浅谈音乐教学中中小学生乐感的培养 下一篇:没有了