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2014-03-31 01:37

摘   要




Learning through playing, is the aesthetic feature of music. Music education not only can bring joyfulness and effect the sentiment of students, but also can promote the development of non- intelligence factors, by the influence of learning through playing. The good mode of music education can influent the realization and sentiment of human beings and bring subtle affect by some means in order to meet the good of influencing sentiment. Music educations bring a king of nature power of aesthetics to human beings about joyfulness and give the birth to music education. Those melodies elated people by using distinct art charming learning by playing in music education, the influence of joyfulness of music education, the importance of the development of aesthetic education, the embody indent and implement of joyfulness in music education and so forth are presented in this essay.
Key words: Music education; learning through playing; Joyfulness

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