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2014-04-12 01:07

摘  要:2005年春节联欢晚会上,由聋哑人邰丽华等演员用肢体语言表演的舞蹈《千手观音》,令全国观众叹为观止。《千手观音》是取材于佛教造型的舞蹈作品,是善的化身,是福的象征,和谐与爱是《千手观音》的精神内涵。特别是好在她实现了思想性和艺术性的完美结合,给人以深刻的思想启迪和强大的精神激励,同时给人以美好的艺术享受。舞蹈号称“艺术之母”,《千手观音》却让舞蹈界为之震撼,因为她能让观众感受到美及美的升华;她是“最美的语言”,是人类精神的体现,更是整个中华民族永结同心的灵魂,不屈的灵魂。

关键词: 千手观音   创作   精神内涵   舞蹈艺术                            

Abstract:  At the Spring Festival Party spend dance " a thousand hand Goddess of Mercy " body language of performance by beautiful China etc. of deaf-mute Tai performer 2005, is it on dance work Buddhism of model make the national audience acclaim as the acme of perfection to draw materials. " Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands " is kind incarnations, and the symbol of the good fortune it is the spiritual intension of " Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands " to be harmonious and love. Especially fortunately she has realized the perfect combination of the ideological content and artistry, inspire and encourage with strong spirit for somebody and deep thought, give somebody and bright artistic treat at the same time Dance known as " mother of art ", " a thousand hand Goddess of Mercy " let shock for it circle of dance because she makes audiences experience beauty and beautiful distillation; It is " most beautiful language ", and the embodiment of the human spirit, is that the entire Chinese nation forms concentric soul forever even more, unyielding soul .

Key words:  Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands   Creations   Spiritual intension   Dance art (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)

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